Sample of Service Being Done by our Missionaries

Facebook Service Projects

We had been together in the city of Hagen for about three months when it seemed like missionary work was slowing down. We were running out of ideas of what we could do here to continue the work. As we were discussing this subject as a companionship, we felt inspired by the Rise & Reach initiative and came up with the idea to serve the people in our area. We felt good about it but were not exactly sure how to start. We took some pictures from a service project that we had done and posted them in several Facebook groups such as "Werdohler Help Werdohler" or "Herdecke Helping Neighbors." We said that we were doing volunteer work and would love to help people with their garden or house.

The group members reacted positively towards our initiative. Some said it was really nice that young men like us would have the desire to serve this way. The people that we helped started asking us, "Why are you doing this?" We just replied that we do it because we follow the example of Jesus Christ. That answer started many good conversations that allowed us to introduce the gospel in normal and natural ways. We have had 5 service projects in the last 2 weeks and more are being planned. A lady we helped came to our online Sunday School meeting and loved it!

We know that this wouldn't have been possible without the accessibility that social media gives us. We know that the pure love of Christ can soften hearts and prepare people to receive the restored gospel. As we put forth effort, we know the Lord will prepare a way.

Elder Rios and Elder Storrer Germany Frankfurt Mission


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