
Showing posts from July, 2020

Exception Request for Germany Visa Rejected

We were so disappointed to learn today, July 23, that the Church’s request for an exception that would allow us to enter Germany has been rejected.  No reasons were given. It may have been the result of the spike in new Covid-19 cases in the United States with 1/4 of the four million cases occurring in the past two weeks.  It appears we will have to wait for the borders to reopen to U.S. citizens before we can enter. Needless to say we are crushed.  Our hopes were so high that an exception would be granted.  We just want to be there with our missionaries in Germany.   I often turn to the scriptures when I am overwhelmed by sadness. My favorite scripture came to mind--Proverbs 3:5-6  :  “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”  This scripture is so much easier to read than to apply.  BUT I am going to try to stop attempting to understand the reason our seemingly legitimate reques

An Uplifting Story

July 16 Email from Dan - An Uplifting Story Family and Friends, I just sent an e-mail to BG at the Church Missionary Department.  She has been our main contact during our call as mission president.  This was a cool story that I wanted to share.  I know they are working hard in our behalf and I wanted them to know how much their work is appreciated. About 15 minutes after I sent the e-mail I received a reply from the legal department in Germany.  They told me that they just submitted my application today so we have renewed hope.  I spent the morning sending birthday greetings to all the missionaries beginning in July.  I just got the birthday list so I was behind.  Many of the missionaries are still pending. Sister Weser in the story is the first missionary from the USA to get into Germany for over 5 months. We will keep you updated.   We appreciate your prayers, Dan Dear BG, I wanted to share an uplifting story from the Germany, Frankfurt mission.  Sister Grace Allen will finish her mi

July 8, 2020 First Group of Missionaries Complete Mission - Able to join testimony meeting via Zoom

President and Sister Cziesla were kind enough to invite us to join the testimony meeting via Zoom for the 6 missionaries who completed their missions in the Germany Frankfurt Mission today.  What a blessing it was to hear Sister Greenhalgh and Elders Barney, Peterson, Jameson, Halling and Goulding share their testimonies in German.   We were amazed how fluently they spoke German.  We realized we have a long way to go to speak the language this well.  How we wish we could have been there to see them off.  Still no word on when we will be departing...  More time to study our German!